Saturday, March 17, 2007

Love Poems

Don't know who is the author actually, but I love this quote, it's simple yet very true..hehe..I meant it seem like what I want to tell my hubby..but too bad, he wasn't understand well in english. and I'm not good speak it also.. So just share with who can really understand this in my blog.

I will try to memorize it..I will tell hubby later..eeee ....when I remember..:p

The first time we met, I could see,
That you and I, were meant to be.
Your eyes were so gentle, your smile so true,
When you first held my hand, I just knew.

Now the time has gone by, through laughter and tears,
These days I shall cherish, for years upon years.
Those memories we have, shall never fade,
For those are the steps, that we have made.

That was the past, the future is near,
I anxiously wait, for what will appear.
New homes, more laughter, and children so dear,
Everything will be wonderful, as long as you're near.

- Cristy Smith -

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