Monday, March 09, 2009

Lost my favorite Music Album

I love listening music. I have so many CD collections at home. I am not only bought the original CD but also download from website. Few years ago, I downloaded my favorite singer music album. It is not only 1 album but is his entire music album. I think he has more than 30 Album released. I was so happy to find his completed album. I remember that I already saved the all his songs in my computer hard disk and burn into DVD also.

I been searching for his album for whole day but could not find it. I could not find the album in my computer. I also checked all the DVD Disk but could not find too. Where have I keep the songs?? I could not remember it anymore! What happen to me?

I am very regret now! I should find the something like Art Storage to help me store the album. So that I would not lost it! Now, I have lost the album I love the most and do not know how to track it back. Hai…I am going to check every possibility place that keeps the DVD now. I hope I could find the album.

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